Surfacing key civic information in Search

In the lead-up to major elections, our products help people navigate voting information and follow live results.

We’re committed to providing timely and authoritative information on Google Search to help voters understand, navigate, and participate in democratic processes. Through our products, we hope to connect users with the civic information that they need.

  • Navigating the electoral process

    We work with national and local authoritative sources to surface information about the mechanics of voting. During an election, the information is organized into easily digestible formats that surface at the top of the Search results page.

  • Finding the Information you need

    When you search for a person or organization on Google, including candidates and parties during an election, you’ll often come across a Knowledge Panel on the Search Results page—a box with an overview of key information and links to resources to help you go deeper. If you are the subject of a knowledge panel, you can get verified on Google to suggest edits and add more information to your knowledge panel.

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  • Organizing Search results

    For a typical query, there are countless web pages with potentially relevant information. To make Search results useful, it’s important that we organize the information and deliver the most relevant results from authoritative sources wherever possible. You can find more information about how Search works here.

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Whether you want to register to vote, head to the polls, or find out who's winning the race, we hope Google's tools can help guide you through Election Day in a clear and informative way.